This module is a tool of mobilization of a local society that needs create a Knowledge Triangle.
What is a Knowledge Triangle?
They are the set of relations that are established in a partnership between the Community, Business and Academia. Your goal is to create knowledge societies capable of creating economic growth based on scientific, technological, cultural and social advancement.
Risk society is the manner in which modern society organizes in response to Risk. The term is closely associated with several key writers on modernity, in particular Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens. The
term was coined in the 1980s and its popularity during the 1990s was
both as a consequence of its links to trends in thinking about wider
modernity, and also to its links to popular discourse, in particular the
growing environmental concerns during the period.
Quality Assurance at Higher Education Institutions: a process to strengthen us: Study of the objectives, standards, procedures and guidelines for quality assurance diagnosis and implementation of higher education.
This module studies the concept of Career Design to show the students the characteristics of lifelong learning and active labour market policies. Special focus on the role of the University Students Guidance Service.
Descripción del curso BUCUM: Building Capacities for University Management (gestión universitaria)
This course provides the tools for the four essential challenges that facing the management of a global university in the knowledge societies of the 21st Century: the implementation of Career Design, the achievement of Risk Management, the running of Quality Assurance, and the formation of Knowledge Triangles.
In current knowledge society the role of University is strategic. The university is the organization that provides the suitable human capital that the entrepreneurial and social innovation system demands. Therefore needs to accomplish the implementation of Career Design and provide the guidance that the graduates claim. Besides, it is the institucion that first analyses the ris of our changing society. The Risk Management appears as the central objetive and direct link whit the concerns of the society. The way to guarantee its good performance in both aspects is the implementation of a flexible Quality Assurance. Only when the Universities reach successful routines in these three fields they have the capacities to start the building of the Knowledge Triangles.